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# API List

The API list provided by platform is as follows:

Note: API set that user can use varies according to the selected product access protocol. For details, please refer to the API details supported by each protocol product
API Request Method Description
Add device POST For application layer to use
Register device POST For device self-registration scenario
Update device Information PUT For updating device attribute
Inquire device detail GET For inquiring device attribute, including device online status
Batch inquire device information GET
Batch inquire device status GET
Delete device DELETE
API Request Method Description
Add datastream POST Set up data attribute unique to a device,it is recommended to use datastream template instead within products
Update datastream attribute PUT
Inquire datastream status GET Can be used to inquire datastream configuration and latest datapoints
Delete datastream DELETE
API Request Method Description
Inquire historical data of device GET
Batch inquire latest data of device GET
Upload datapoint POST Device/application server can upload data via HTTP/HTTPS
Upload files POST Can be used for device to upload original data, image, file etc.,
Get files GET
API Request Method Description
Send command POST Platform actively sends data to devices
Inquire command status GET Used to inquire execution situation of a command
Inquire command response GET Device needs to send command response when receiving a command
Inquire historical command of device GET
API Request Method description
Add trigger POST
Update trigger PUT
Inquire trigger detail GET
Delete trigger DELETE
API Request Method Description
Add apikey POST New apikey only has device-level permission
Update apikey PUT
Inquire apikey GET
Delete apikey DELETE
API Request Method Description
Publish message POST Publish message to topic
Inquire subscribed device list GET inquire device list that subscribes to some topic
Inquire device subscription details GET inquire topic subscription list of device
Inquire topic list GET

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